Criteria and Values
The candidates shall be evaluated by the referees in the following grades:
A. Outstanding; B. Very Good; C. Average; D. Unsuitable
Conveners of the various Sectional Committees shall prepare a list of the grades obtained by each candidate and shall recommend candidates in order of merit to be called for presentation of their work, provided that they have been rated 'B' by 50% of the members who have sent in their assessment. Assessment from at least 3 members of Sectional Committees must be elicited before making this recommendation.
The candidates invited to present their work shall do so before the concerned members of the Sectional Committee. Efforts will also be made to ensure the presence of other experts (Academy Fellows) at such presentations. These experts, if they so desire, may give their views to the Convener of the Sectional Committee.
Candidates called for presenting their work before the Sectional Committees shall be entitled to III AC return rail fare and local conveyance as applicable. Reimbursement will be made on production of tickets.

Fellowship awarded will be up to INR 25,000 (Rs. Twenty-five Thousand only) and minimum fellowship amount will be INR 10,000 (Rs. Ten Thousand only) along with a certificate.
Jury Panel

Mr. Kanna K. Siripurapu, Assistant Dean - Woxsen University
Kanna K. Siripurapu, Assistant Dean - Woxsen University, is an M.Phil and Double Masters graduate in Geographical Sciences & Environmental Sciences, with two decades of professional experience in research, academics, and development sector. He has a passion for research on biocultural diversity and strengthening of community-based natural resource governance. His focus areas include indigenous agro-ecological systems, enhancement of rural livelihoods, (agro)biodiversity conservation, pastoralism, traditional knowledge, indigenous cultures and traditions, sustainable development, and development of cooperatives & social enterprises through action research, multiple stakeholder partnerships and networking. He encourages youth of indigenous communities to write about their lived experiences and their contribution to biocultural diversity through his project "Indie-Narratives". He is the co-founder of Nayasa, a trust building digital application for organic farmers and consumers interested in buying organic products. He also teaches two courses - Material, Culture and Cognition in Product Design, and Indigenous Art, Design, and Culture, as a guest faculty, at the Department of Product Design, School of Art and Design, Woxsen University, Telangana. He also initiated and manages the All India Mangrove Alliance for Climate and Conservation, a pan-India network that works towards building resilience into the socio-economic and ecological systems of coastal regions of India.

Prof. Aneeta Gokhale-Benninger, Executive Director, CDSA
Urban planner Aneeta Gokhale-Benninger is a professor of Sustainable Development Planning and Executive Director of Centre for Development Studies and Activities (CDSA). She has been actively working for decades to improve and protect the environment and biodiversity. Working closely with various sectors of the society, she emphasizes the need for sustainable planning and development. Through her institutional work she has pioneered in the field of contextual, convergent urban, rural and regional sustainable development planning. She teaches and trains stakeholders in solving sustainability and resilience issues and helps government and other multilateral organizations, their agencies and other public bodies by training their personnel and advising them on issues of public policy and decision making for sustainable and resilient development.